The chin is a critical part of the face and can enhance or restore the facial profile. The aesthetics of the nose, chin, jaw, and neck are related and should be evaluated together. Changes in one area can affect the other so it is important to have a comprehensive evaluation.
Moving the chin forward improves the facial profile and can also improve the contour of the neck. It can also help balance a strong nose. Dr. Ivey is fully equipped to treat the bony and soft tissue deficiencies or excess of the facial skeleton.
An osseous genioplasty can address both vertical and horizontal abnormalities of the chin. It provides a natural (using your own tissue – no implant) and permanent result. A benefit of osseous genioplasty is that it uses your own tissue and the incision is hidden inside the mouth. This is also a great option for facial feminization or gender confirming surgery.
Dr. Ivey is especially qualified to perform osseus genioplasty surgery and performed many during his craniofacial fellowship and continues to offer this procedure in practice.
A customized chin implant can be used to provide augmentation as well. Dr. Ivey is also able to use your own fat as an en bloc graft to provide chin augmentation vs. fat grafting in milder cases. The fat is taken from the lower abdomen with a small incision or from the neck if it is to be combined with a neck lift.
The other option is a silastic implant that can be manufactured to fit your bone. This is done by first obtaining a CT scan. The implant is then designed by Dr. Ivey to project and augment only in the areas that are needed. This is sometimes extended onto the jaw and called a wrap around jawline implant. The benefit of this is that it allows for augmentation of the jaw angles in addition to the chin.
If only a small augmentation of the chin is needed Dr. Ivey is able to use a highly viscous hyaluronic acid filler such as Volux®, Voluma®, Lyft® or fat grafting. With the new generation of soft tissue fillers the results are highly predictable and long lasting.