Many women desire to improve or enhance the appearance of their breasts. Some wish to have a more natural appearance and others desire a more augmented look. During your consultation, Dr. Ivey will review the various options with you and use 3D Vectra imaging to make sure your goals are both realistic and safe.
Breasts can be augmented with implants or by fat transfer by harvesting fat with liposuction. There are a variety of options for incision placement and location of the implant (above or below the pectoral muscle or fascia). Above all, communication is key and Dr. Ivey will spend the time necessary to give you the best result possible. Dr. Ivey has a true passion for bringing confidence back with breast surgery.
It is no secret that as women age or after childbirth the breasts tend to sag. A breast lift, also called a mastopexy can correct ptosis or sagging of the breasts. The aim of the procedure is to reshape the breast and lift the nipples into a more forward-facing position. It is sometimes possible to also give more fullness in the upper part of the breast by repositioning your breast tissue during mastopexy. This is called “auto-augmentation”.
Breast lifting can range from a circum-areolar (around the nipple only) or “donut” lift, vertical scar only lift, and finally a full “anchor lift” in more severe cases. Keeping scars minimal while maximizing the lift is always the goal. This can also be combined with breast augmentation (implant or fat) in the right candidate. Please schedule a full consultation with 3D imaging in order to visualize your result.
Many women suffer from heavy and sagging breasts that can cause back pain, neck pain, rashes, and even infections. Often one breast is quite larger than the other. Breast reduction is a safe procedure that is proven to relieve these symptoms by reducing the size of the breast and re-shaping them into a more aesthetic and lifted form. Dr. Ivey’s approach is tailored to the individual patient. He uses a variety of different incisions and techniques to optimize symptom relief while also consistently producing beautiful breasts. Please come to our office to see patient examples. Schedule a consultation to learn more.
Gynecomastia can occur during the normal hormonal shifts of puberty. Occasionally the male breast formation persists and requires surgical treatment. It can also occur from prior and current steroid use, and from many other prescription drugs. Dr. Ivey uses a combination of liposuction to define the male chest as well as direct excision to provide the most aesthetic result possible.
Soft tissue scaffolds such as Galaflex or Durasorb are used to give soft tissue support in some cases of breast augmentation or mastopexy (lift). Dr. Ivey also uses a suture technique to re-inforce the inframammary fold in some cases especially in revision surgery.
Occasionally breast augmentation is performed from an incision located in the axilla or “arm pit”. It keeps the incision off of the breast and heals very well. This is a great option for some patients and Dr. Ivey will discuss the benefits of each approach during your consultation.
Yes, Dr. Ivey commonly performs breast implant removal which may include a lift at the time of surgery and in some cases includes a capsulectomy.